
Virtually all mdx-go configuration is handled with React components. mdx-go follows the philosophy of components over configuration instead of using custom plugins architectures and configuration objects in an effort to keep a minimal API surface area.

You can even write your own components to customize the theme and layout of mdx-go.

Root component

Using a custom Root component is the primary means of customizing an app in mdx-go. It wraps the entire app with a React component that can provide themes and components via context, add page layouts, and intercept routing.

To wrap your entire application with a React component, export a custom Root component from your main index.mdx file. Note that a Root component must be exported from the index.mdx file and not another route.

export const Root = props =>

Using a custom Root component will override the default centered layout of mdx-go, and can be used to provide custom themes and layouts to every route.


The Root component will recieve the current page as the children prop and receive an array of routes for each page. Each route object will include the following:

keyKey from wepback's require.context
extnameThe file extension of the route
nameThe file basename
exactBoolean for index routes
dirnameThe directory of the file
pathRoute pathname used for routing
ComponentReact component

Each route object will also include any exports from the file. This allows you to override the name or add additional metadata to a page.

MDX Layouts

Use a default export to wrap an individual route with a component.

export default props =>
  <div style={{ padding: 32 }}>

# Page Layout

This is a built-in feature of MDX. Learn more in the MDX docs.

To customize the document <head> contents, use the Head component.

import { Head } from 'mdx-go'

  <title>My Page Title</title>

The Head component can be used in individual pages or in a Root component to add head content across the entire app.

Read more about the Head component

MDX Components

MDX includes a mechanism to change the components rendered for each HTML element. Use the ComponentProvider in a Root component to add custom components for MDX.

// example Root component
import React from 'react'
import styled from 'react-emotion'
import { ComponentProvider } from 'mdx-go'

const components = {
  h1: styled('h1')({
    color: 'tomato'

export const Root = props =>
  <ComponentProvider components={components}>

The ComponentProvider also adds the LiveCode component to scope for rendering fenced code blocks as live code examples.

Layout components

mdx-go includes optional layout components for quickly adding default styles and layouts to your app.

Read more about the built-in layout components:


mdx-go contains almost no default styling, making it ideal for use with components that include their own styling. To add themes or custom styling, wrap your app with a Root component.

To use optional, built-in styles, see the StyleProvider component.


The default webpack configuration includes support for Babel, React, and MDX. To customize the webpack config, add a webpack.config.js file to your project root, or pass a path to a custom webpack config via the --webpack CLI flag. The provided webpack config will be merged with the built-in config using webpack-merge.

CLI Options

The following flags can be passed to the CLI.

  -p --port     Port for dev server
  --no-open     Disable opening in default browser
  -d --out-dir  Output directory for static export
  --basename    Base path for routing
  --static      Export HTML without JS bundle
  --webpack     Path to custom webpack config

All CLI options can also be specified in an mdx-go field in your package.json.

"mdx-go": {
  "outDir": "site"